Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Life can be defined as an act of being or existence. Life is full of ups and downs and one needs a thick backbone to persevere. Life is a journey every living organism must embark on. Life is filled with intricate and extricate things that is it is filled with 2 major characters which can be categorized into Pain and Pleasure:
Pain is defined as a deep feeling of despair which can break or make a person that is it can act as a motivator or as a hurdle or obstacle to one’s life journey .All living organism possess this character called pain in varying degrees some obtain theirs’ during childhood, others during adolescent, some during adulthood and old age. Examples of pains are death of ones’ parent or loved one, an accident leading to damage of one’s leg preventing that person from doing what he enjoys and so on. Pleasure can be defined as a deep feeling of joy, it is also something that appeals, pleasure is also something that arouses one in other words pleasure is mainly a motivator and not naturally an obstacle or hurdle. Pleasure is a great motivator in the sense that when one places in his heart to do a thing no matter the difficulties attached to it, he will go ahead with the task because of the pleasure he will derive when the task is done. Example of pleasure is seen in Nelson Mandela’s fight of apartheid in South-Africa though he was imprisoned by the whites and also abandoned for a while by is family he still went ahead with the fight with racial discrimination because the pleasure he will derive is freedom of the blacks, a similar instance is seen in the acts of Martin Luther King Jnr. A great proponent of pain and pleasure is Jeremy Bentham of the sovereign and imperative school of thought. Researches which have been made by great psychologists and philosophers, the likes of Sigmund Freud, Ivan Pavlov and others have found out that a person’s character can be developed by pain and pleasure and this is the person’s personality. Personality can be defined as a person’s character, traits and behavior. Some psychologies have different theories of how a person’s personality can be acquired they are: Observation Learning Theory: here psychological research says that what a child continuously sees a person or his parents do to get a particular result he tends to do the same. For example if a child sees his father beat up his mother and after that she still goes ahead to give the father food the child sees it as normal and has no qualms in beating up his female colleagues and others this then forms his personality because not only did he see a continuous action but he saw the aftermath of that action which is not a punishment but a reward of food. Social Cognitive Theory: these are personalities that are acquired from peers. They are the active occurrence of human life which includes thinking and judging, and based on this, personality involves the thought of a person which makes him to react the way he does and this is got from either past experience or other sources. Psychoanalytical Theory: This theory was propounded by Sigmund Freud here he says a person’s personality is categorized into 3 forms which are the id, ego and superego. The id is said to be the unconscious state of a person where all pleasures are stored and it is also said that even the things that a child experienced during childhood is stored unconsciously in the id. The id is said to be the tip of an iceberg that is found in the middle of an ocean [the ocean being the mind of the individual].The id is seen as the imaginative mind of a person. The ego is said to be the conscious part of a person which interacts with the real world and make sure that the imagination of the id is seen in the real world, it is the social aspect of the mind. The superego is the moral aspect of the mind that deals with what is good and bad, the superego is said to be the conscience. The superego is always at odd with the id but the ego brings a balance to them.
Conclusively speaking the above philosophical and psychological explanation portrays how personality is developed and how it has a great impact on living organisms and their life’s journey.

Relationship between Religion, Life and Personality. Religious is defined as a believe in Divine Being that is being devout to a Supernatural Being. It is unflinching dogma to ecclesiastical things. Life is an act of being mortal not immortal which connotes that life is an act of living. Personality is defined as the qualities of a person which includes their traits, behaviors, and characters. Religion influences the personality of a person since it said from the above explanation of the personality theories that personality is in the cognition [thought] of a person. Therefore the faith [religion] of a person determines the way a person reacts to a situation. For instance in the case of marriage the Christians belief in the union of one man and one woman while the Muslim belief in the union of one man and four wives and sometimes above that number another example is the case of stealing, the penalty for the Muslim is cutting off of that part he used to steal while the Christian teaches of forgiveness. Religion also influences the life of an individual because what one believes in that is what he does and since our belief is situated in our mind and our mind houses our thought and our thought conceives what we achieve it is therefore concluded that religion controls our life because it forms the basic [foundational] principle of the person.

Life is a journey that has no end. It is full of ups and downs. Life is said to be for those who have patience and are willing to take the bull by the horn. Life is for those who can persevere and those who know that their greatness lies in them and not in their location, family, money or any other material thing.
A person’s life is based (founded) on his past experience, his background, also the kind of friends he keeps and the kind of thing he is exposed to which is a major factor that forms a person’s personality. Life is a mystery that needs continuous unraveling because in all stages in life there is a problem lurking (waiting) there to be solved. Life is all about the choices we make whether good or bad. Life is all about our priorities and also the things that make us tick and the things that give us fulfillment. Life is all about self actualization (that is bringing out the best in you). It is all about living your footprint in the sand of time. Life is all about what you want to make out of it. Life is in seasons so one should make the most of each season that comes one’s way.
Personality: According to Mcadams’ psychobiological theory he says IDENTITY is the key issue to personality. He says identity is a LIFE story that integrates the past, present and the expected future narratives and the ability to integrate one’s life stories into meaning end makes sense of their lives. Personality is also influenced on the environment one grows up in. personality arises from the interaction of an individual’s inherited traits with his unique life histories. Personality is the real you that is in display (that is the person that everyone sees). Personality is the sum total of all one’s experience which when brought up forms the principle, belief and thinking of the person. Personality is also self actualization and governs the way we go about life issues. Personality is based on the mind. The bible also proves this to be true when it says that out of the abundance of the heart (mind) the mouth speaks which is to say that what one thinks about is what will manifest. And since it said that religion influences personality I therefore say that as the bible says that we are more than conquerors and we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us I belief that with this knowledge we will be able to persevere through any challenge that life’s journey places our way and we will also know that life is not a bed of roses.

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